care coordination care coordinator coronavirus covid 19 COVID-19 diabetes heart disease hospital hypertension kidney men's health mental health nurse nurse's week Nursing Nursing Students Uncategorized women

New Year, New Venture!

Happy New Year! I can’t believe that we are at the end of the first month of 2021 already! How many of you have already broken your resolutions by now LOL? Instead of making a New Year’s resolution this year I decided to start a new venture in my nursing career.

For those of you who do not know my story, I started working with patients at the bedside as a teenager. I worked as a patient transporter and a dietary aide in the hospital. I then became a patient care tech and a home health/hospice aide. I love caring for others and truly believe that nursing is my calling!

As a nurse, I am a true advocate for my patients. I stand up for them when they are not able or afraid to do so. I help them access the healthcare resources that they need when they don’t know how. I am their shoulder to cry on, and their available ear to listen when they are lonely.

Photo Credit: Baptist Physician Partners

I have worked in a wide arena of nursing including correctional facilities, assisted living, inpatient and home hospice, OB/GYN and adult medicine medical offices and most recently tele-health due to the pandemic. Through tele-health visits I was able to touch bases with my elderly, immuno-compromised, or chronic condition patients who were instructed not to come into the office unless absolutely necessary.

I was able to coordinate their care from a distance. Let me tell you, getting my patient’s the resources that they needed to withstand this pandemic felt amazing! I fell in love with care coordination so much that I’ve moved into this as my new nursing position. Being able to follow my patients after they have had a doctor’s appointment, hospital or rehab stay and giving them the tools that they need to prevent being readmitted feels so fulfilling! This is where I need to be. Helping my patients take better care of themselves! I am doing what I was born to do!❤️

-Nurse Neesy

diabetes heart disease hospital hypertension men's health nurse Nursing

Happy Father’s Day!

This Sunday, June 21, is Father’s Day. Celebrate the men in your life who have been great fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, or excellent father figures! Treat them extra special or gift them with something you know that they have had their eye on for a while. They will appreciate being appreciated!

As you celebrate them, also let them know that you really care about them and want to ensure that they are in good health. Make sure that they are current on their annual physicals, vaccinations, and health screenings. Most men are hesitant to go to the doctor for a visit, but they must go for regular check-ups. Men are more likely to have a medical condition left undiagnosed which leads to discovery in a later stage. So please take this month to let the men in your life know that you love them, their well-being is important to you, and that you are there for them if they need you.


Nurse Neesy

heart disease nurse Nursing Nursing Students women

Go Red For Women Day!

Just dropping a friendly reminder that tomorrow February 7, 2020, is National Wear Red Day! We join together to bring awareness and to help fight against heart disease and stroke.

Cardiovascular disease is prevalent in women. Did you know that cardiovascular diseases kill a woman about every 80 seconds? That’s mind-blowing!! Ladies, I know that we are busy with our careers, being mothers, and wives, but when will you make time for you? If we don’t take care of ourselves both physically and mentally, how can we be there for the ones that we love?

High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are hereditary in my family. To help reduce my cardiovascular risks I have stopped eating meat (besides lean/ heart-healthy fish), reduced stress, and started exercising regularly. What will you do to prevent your risks?

For more information on warning signs of heart attack, stroke, or how to donate to the American Heart Association, please visit: